Thursday, January 28, 2016

Hello Fresh

Have you heard about Hello Fresh? 

When my mom and I first heard about Hello Fresh we just had to sign up. 
If you don't know what Hello Fresh is, it's a great company that delivers boxes of fresh ingredients to your door every week. 
It comes with pre-measured ingredients and easy recipe cards so you can make nutritious and delicious meals at home.
 My mom and I have started this about a month ago and so far we love it.
 It makes cooking dinner so much easier and it saves us money.  
My dad looks forward to coming home from a long day of work to bite into a delicious meal we created using the recipes and food products that were sent to us from Hello Fresh. 
If you never know what to make for dinner and end up going out to eat instead, like my family did, I recommend Hello Fresh. 

If you are interested, 
check it out at: Hello Fresh 

About Fitness Eats

Hi, my name is Cara. I am a 16-year-old who is passionate about the importance of staying active and having healthy food habits.

If you enjoy trying new things, this is the blog for you! 
My blog will be regarding up-to-date dietary trends, recipes for healthy meals to make, and healthy ingredients to substitute for less healthy ones.

For all my fitness addicts, here’s to healthy eating!